Google+ Archiver

A simple command-line tool to archive Google+ profiles and public streams

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google_plus_archiver is a simple command-line tool to archive Google+ profiles and public streams.


$ gem install google_plus_archiver

Getting Started

You need to acquire your own Google API key here (if you do not have one).


Replace asterisks with your API key:

$ gplus-get -a *************************************** -u 113075529629418110825

$ gplus-image-get -a ***************************************

The API key can also be set in the environment variable $GOOGLE_API_KEY.


$ gplus-get -a [API_KEY] -u [USER_ID]

    --api-key [API_KEY]          Specify the Google API key
    --user-id [USER_ID]          Specify the ID of the user to be archived
    --compress                   Do compression
    --delay [SECONDS]            Delay (in seconds) between two requests (0.2 by default, since Google set a 5 requests/second/user limit)
    --output-path [OUTPUT_PATH]  Output path (the current directory by default)
    --post-limit [POST_LIMIT]    Maximum number of posts to archive (in time descending order)
    --quiet                      Silent mode
    --video-downloader [VIDEO_DOWNLOADER]
                                 Command used to download Google+ videos (`you-get` by default)
    --exclude-posts              Don't archive posts
    --exclude-attachments        Don't archive attachments
    --exclude-replies            Don't archive replies
    --exclude-plusoners          Don't archive plusoners
    --exclude-resharers          Don't archive resharers
-V, --version                    Display current version


google_plus_archiver is released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.

Last Revision: 2013-07-10, by Mort Yao